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Walk-through glass through colored foil (transparent) Configurator

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Price From €695.34
Incl. 19% VAT

Clear walk-in glass with colored foil

The two clear glass panels are connected with a colored highly elastic PVB film. This is used for high security, because if it should break, the glass pieces stick to the film and thus achieves a residual carrying capacity.
Walk-in glass as "playful" inspiration

Walk-in glass in a variety of colors leaves your creativity with the selection of an immense scope. We can provide your floor or the steps with any decoration by screen printing and other methods. Clever lighting makes glass stairs and walk-in glass plates look magically atmospheric. This creates glass in your premises a unique atmosphere that is hard to describe in words. You have never seen such an idea or an idea that we can implement for you? Contact us by phone or e-mail for detailed advice.

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Mo - Fr:9.00 - 22.00
Samstag:10.00 - 14.00
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Clear walk-in glass with colored foil

The two clear glass panels are connected with a colored highly elastic PVB film. This is used for high security, because if it should break, the glass pieces stick to the film and thus achieves a residual carrying capacity.
Walk-in glass as "playful" inspiration

Walk-in glass in a variety of colors leaves your creativity with the selection of an immense scope. We can provide your floor or the steps with any decoration by screen printing and other methods. Clever lighting makes glass stairs and walk-in glass plates look magically atmospheric. This creates glass in your premises a unique atmosphere that is hard to describe in words. You have never seen such an idea or an idea that we can implement for you? Contact us by phone or e-mail for detailed advice.

More Information
Glass Walk-on Glass
Glass type Colored foil
Glass thickness 41 mm
Breite, mm 1000
Höhe, mm 1000
Delivery time 10-20 days
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